Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Prayer Letter: February, 2006

Dear Co-laborers,

These last few months have been months of blessing and encouragement. We have seen the Lord do some exciting things in our own hearts, in our family, and in the ministry here. Truly the Lord is good. Oh that our hearts would long to taste more and more of Him!

During the Christmas season we enjoyed the blessings of the Lord. David and Karen Chapman, Susan’s younger brother and sister, were able to be with us for two weeks. We greatly enjoyed spending time with them. We were also amazed at the generosity displayed by God’s people. Whether shown by financial gifts or by presents mailed to us, we were humbled by the fact that so many people would use their resources to be a blessing to us. Thank you for modeling the giving spirit displayed by our Lord.

One of the most exciting pieces of news it that Susan is expecting our third child. The due date is September 23rd. Right now she is experiencing the joys of the first trimester of pregnancy. Please pray that she will get over the nausea quickly. We are excited about this new development. We also covet your prayers for health and safety for Susan and the baby. Several friends have recently gone through very difficult trials relating to pregnancy which have made us more aware of the kind of strain this puts on a woman’s body and the dangers that are involved.

On the ministry side, there are many new projects. We continue to serve the Lord at the mission church. We have been refocusing some of our efforts to more effectively reach the people in that area. One of our new projects is a weekly Bible study for teenagers that we will begin this Thursday (February 9th). Ivan, one of our theology graduates, will be leading this Bible study. The young people that will be involved are Diana, Samuel (brother and sister) and Isaí. We also hope that Reina will be involved, another young lady we have had contact with. Please pray that we will be effective and Christ-centered in evangelizing and edifying these and other young people.

The University is gearing up for the fourth Harvest Rally on March 4th. There is much work to be done before the Rally: promotion, organization of the more than 300 workers that will be involved, setting up the tent and games. Please pray for the weather. Last year it was sprinkling a little bit. Also please pray for clear, powerful preaching, careful counseling on the day of the Rally, and effective follow-up after the Rally.

Laboring in His vineyard,

The Bixbys


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