Monday, January 23, 2006


For the past several months, the Lord has been working in my heart about my prayer life. Being frank, I would have to admit that I don’t pray near as much as I should. Perhaps even more disturbing than my little prayer is that I have not even believed in the power of prayer. My failure to pray not just more, but more intensely, stems from a lack of faith in the effectiveness of prayer. As I have thought about this, I also came to realize that my perspective about myself and about God probably has a lot to do with this as well. I must have a very swollen view of my own abilities if I don't feel the need for God’s intervention on my behalf. I must have a pretty small view of the power of God if I don’t request His power and grace on my ministry. I am thankful that the Lord has brought several circumstances into my life that have highlighted my won incapacity to do anything of lasting spiritual impact. Please pray that the Lord will continue to show His grace on my life by highlighting my desperate need of His power.

As you pray for us, here are two things you could pray for.

Jociel (14) and Raúl (15) are cousins of one of our students. On January 2nd, a gas truck rammed the pickup truck they were riding in. Both suffered severe damage to their spine and neck. The doctors offer no hope that Jociel will ever be able to move anything below his neck. Raúl should gain some limited mobility in his hands but will not be able to move his legs. Please pray for these young men, their families, and the significant financial needs that exist in these families.

On Saturday Pastor Julio and I looked at different properties in the Santa Mónica region of the city where we have been ministering. We hope to be able to purchase a piece of property or several houses adjacent to each other (at a cost of $35,000 per house—the dimensions of each lot are tiny: 18 feet by 50 ft.) The property that is in this picture would be ideal for several reasons: it is large (four lots), it is on a corner and spans the whole block, giving access to three streets, and it is right across from the main neighborhood park. We don’t know what the cost would be, but it couldn’t be cheap. These things can seem impossible, but …prayer is powerful.


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