Saturday, September 15, 2007

Bugs, Viruses and the Flu

That could pretty much sum up the past month in Monterrey. It seems like an unending procession of bugs, viruses and different strains of the flu keep going round and round. Sometimes it hits you like a cold, other times like the flu, then there is the vomiting and diarrhea version, and the sinus infection also makes its appearance. Tom and Kim Chapman (my brother-in-law) and their kids have had quite the go of it. At least one and usually more like 3 of them have been down with something or other for the last month. Some of them are on their second or third round.

In our family, Susan seems like the only that has escaped so far (though she has had some physical "ailments" of her own--more on that later!). David has had a cold for about a month. We finally took him to the doctor last week, but he couldn't see his eardrums. So we finally just started him on an anti-biotic today. While Aaron hasn't had his cold for as long, his drainage has turned quite dark, so he also is starting on an anti-biotic today as well. I have had headaches and congestion as well. So we decided to make it a threesome on the anti-biotic front. Ana has had a little cold but doesn't seem to be nearly as bad. She had the throw-up version of it a few days ago. She threw up twice on Monday night. We kept her home from school on Tuesday, but she seemed to be perfectly fine. It's possible that it wasn't really a bug, and that something didn't settle well.

As far as Susan, well...the church fellowship here in Monterrey started up a women's soccer league. The dormitory girls decided they wanted to have a team. Their first two games were lost by a combined score of 30-0, so they were needing some help. Since Susan played goalie in college, they asked her to help out. She played with them last Sunday night. They did quite well. They only lost 6-1. They finally scored their first goal and only allowed six, so they were really encouraged. Unfortunately, Susan had one big toe kicked and the nail came off. The other big toe also had some problems. Apparently her nails were too long and when she kicked a ball, it jammed her nail back into her toe. After several painful days she went to the foot doctor (I keep wanting to call him a pediatrician, but that's not quite right...) and had one toenail partially removed and the other one had to be drained. She had to go back today for a follow-up visit. (She's there right now.)

Anyway, that's been the story for the last several weeks. Hopefully everyone can get over these bugs, viruses and flu. :-)


Blogger Russell Raymer said...

We hope Susan is feeling better. She would look funny trying to go back out on the field wearing sandals and her bandages!
We enjoyed our time with you the other day!
Russell, Debbie & Carena

9:48 AM, September 17, 2007  

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